Checklist for Trouble Shooting Installation Error 2019-2023

If you are receiving an error message while using software or unable to install your software please review below information:

NOTE: (We strongly recommend to create back up file of your software database & save to USB Flash drive prior to trouble shooting any errors you may be experiencing - See Support Article link below) 


Please verify your Computer meets Software System Requirements - See Support Article link below)


Checklist for Trouble Shooting:

  • Try Running the software as Administrator:

1) Right click the software icon on computer desktop

2) Select Run as Administrator

  • Temporarily disable Anti-Virus/Firewall - see attached PDF at end of this Support Article  
  • Installation MUST be performed by System Admin User with Full Admin Rights.

  • If the Software Detects that .NET Framework version 4.6.1. is not installed: Download-and-Install-NET-Framework-4-6-1-Error
  • Software can only be installed on your local computers hard drive as a Local user (not compatible network drives, servers, cloud or virtual machines) 
  • Software can only be installed on Windows 10 or 11 PC (not compatible with MAC, MAC parallels systems running Windows, Linux or Server Systems) (As of May 1, 2020 due to security reasons we will no longer support Windows 7, 8, 8.1 E-filing)
  • If the Software Installation Wizard Freezes During the Initialization of the Setup. Please Re-Boot the computer once and retry the installation.
  • If you are getting a database error "file is not a database" - This happens when you use the (BAK) Back up file from the prior year software to import your data into the current year software. You must have the prior year software fully installed if you are importing your data into current year software.  Please use following link on this process - How-to-Import-Prior-Year-Data
  • Turn off (UAC) User Account Control Settings by following below steps: 

1) Click on Windows Start button

2) Type Control Panel search field

3) Click on User Account 

4) Click on User Account Control Settings & set to Never notify 

5) You will need to reboot your computer after you change the settings

  • Team Viewer/Services:
  1. Turn off Team Viewer if it is running
  2.  After these are off right-click Windows start button and click on Run type, then type services.msc and click OK and look through and turn off any anti-virus services that are running in the background.

  • Make sure your Windows is up to date: 

In Windows 10 right click the Start button, and then go to Settings  > Update & Security  > Windows Update 

In Windows 11 right click the Start button  > Settings  > Windows Update 

  • Temporarily disable your Software/Firewall:

If you are not able to install the software program/having difficulty installing updates or cannot connect to e-file website, your anti-virus software or firewall that you are running may be blocking TaxRight, TFP20.xx, Laserlink, Laserlink XL, ACA software program from installing. It may be necessary for you to temporarily disable your firewall or anti-virus software to:

  1. Determine if this is what is causing the installation issues
  2. Connect to download the updates, etc.

Located on the Window Taskbar next to the clock in the lower right corner it will show the Firewalls and anti-virus software that are running on your computer. Most programs will allow you to right click on the icon and select 'Turn Off', or 'Disable'.  If you do not see this option you will need to open the firewall or anti-virus software and disable it. 

Note: If you need additional detailed instructions on how to disable or turn off a specific firewall or anti-virus software, we highly suggest you contact the anti-virus software company directly or your IT department for further assistance.

After you have installed the TaxRight/TFP20.xx/Laser Link/Laser Link XL/ACA software program we suggest you Enable the anti-virus/Firewall again and set your UAC settings back to original setting.

 For instructions on turn off Anti-Virus software & How to turn on Net Framework see below: 

If you installed the software but you do not see the software icon on the desktop please use below Support Article link: 


(Note: As of May 1, 2020 due to security reasons we will no longer support Windows 7, 8, or 8.1) 

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