Searching for Employees
You can search for employees in both the Form and Form Printing screens.
To search for an employee in the Form screen:
1) Select your company from the Company drop-down.
2) In the Search for Employee field enter either partial of TIN, last name or first name of the employee for which you are searching.
3) Choose Top Window or Bottom Window to select which employee list you want to search.
4) Click Search.
5) The search result found will be highlighted.
Note: If multiple records are found, using your mouse you can click to the next record until you have reviewed all records found that match your search.
To search for an employee in the Form Printing screen:
1) Select your company from the Company drop-down.
2) Select the tax form for which you need to print, from the Form drop-down.
3) In the Search for Employee field enter either partial of TIN, last name or first name of the employee for which you are searching.
4) Choose Top Window or Bottom Window to select which employee list you want to search.
5) The search result found will be highlighted.
Note: If multiple records are found, using your mouse you can click to the next record until you have reviewed all records found that match your search.