Note: When using the MS excel template and your employees are not importing, verify on the spreadsheet there are no spaces after your data.
Importing Employees/1095-B or 1095-C from Excel:
1. Select Companies & Employees from the menu bar then select Manage Companies & Employees
2. Select the Company
3. Select the Import Employees
4. Click Get Template form drop down box select template (Employees/Recipient List, 1095-C or 1095-B)
5. Save the excel template (Recipient List – Template), and choose the location to save your file (it is highly recommended to save your file to your desktop to make it easy to locate). Click Save.
Note: It is recommended to save the file to your desktop so it is easy to locate when you are ready to import the file.
7. Minimize the software program screen.
8. Locate and open the Excel template you saved in step 5.
9. Enter your employees data into the appropriate fields in the file.
10. Save and close the Excel file when finished entering the data.
11. Maximize the software program screen.
12. On the Add Employees screen enter the # of records (employees) you are importing
Note: If importing 1095-C or 1095-B you will need to select from drop down box
13. Click Import.
14. Click Add or Overwrite for the employee’s data you are importing.
Add means you want to add more employees to the existing employees for the selected company. Overwrite means the current employees list for the company selected will be overwritten with the new employee in the import (meaning it will delete all current employee in your software for that specific company).
15. Locate the template you saved earlier with your employees data and click Open.
16. Your software will now import the data from the Excel file and when completed a message on the import screen will appear reading: “Recipient List Imported.”
You can check to make sure all your employees were imported by looking at the employees lists under the company selected in the Manage Companies & Employees screen.
Import Errors and How to Troubleshoot:
- If the Excel Template is giving you an error when you are trying to delete information that you have inputted (The Error should state Read Only).
- This is due to the fact that the formatting of the excel template has been modified. Please follow the steps below
- Follow the instructions in the link below to grab a new template:
- Importing Forms from Excel
- Highlight all the information on the old template and copy
- On the New Template go to the cell at A10 and right click
- Use the option under Paste -> Values to copy just the data (not the formatting) to the New Template
- Check List - Error While Importing Data from Excel Template to our Software
- Ensure that all formatting regulations are followed.
- Format information can be seen on the notes if you select the column header on row 2 (yellow box will populate with the info)
- Make sure that there is no rogue information inside boxes that is supposed to be blank.
- Rule of thumb is to right click on the area that is supposed to be blank and use the clear content option
- Check that there is no spaces after your data this will cause the forms not to import!
- Ensure that all formatting regulations are followed.
Google Docs is not supported: Error message
- Unhandled exception has occurred in your application. If you click continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue. click Quit, the application will close immediately. The path is not of a legal form."
- Please get new template and try again