Importing Remaining Prior Tax Year Data (Importing remaining payers if you didn’t import all when first running the import process): This also can happen when you efile
1. Go to menu bar, select Utilities, select Import Prior Tax Year Data.
2. A screen will pop-up showing your remaining Payers available to import. Select All Payers or Single Payer option. If choosing the Single Payer option then you must highlight (select) the Payer you want to import. Click the Import button.
If you selected All Payers to import, once importing is complete, the import screen will close automatically and a pop-up message will appear reading “All payers imported successfully.”
If you selected Single Payer to import, once the payer you selected has been imported, the import screen will close and a pop-up message will appear reading “Payer(s) imported successfully.”
Recipients names did not import with Payer - after you import your Payer and the Recipients did not import
1. Delete the Payer you just imported (you will need to verify the prior year payer information)
2. Go back into your prior year software under the Payers & Recipients tab select the Payer verify the punctuation
3 If the Payer or Recipient is using a TIN - Payer's Name may only contain A-Z, 0-9, hyphens, periods and apostrophes” we have updated our software to be in Compliance with the IRS/SSA, the IRS only accepts the following punctuation A-Z, 0-9, hyphens, periods and apostrophes. Any special characters such as ( ! , & ’ etc.) will need to be remove in your Payer Name then you will be able to save.
4. Go back to your software program and import the Payer again