How to Reset Password for E-file Account

If you are getting an error when you are trying to link your prior year e-file account to the current Tax Software, you could be using the incorrect password and will need to reset. 

See # 6 and 7

For the Tax Software (TaxRight/Laser Link/ACA) and Efile site is:

The password must meet the following requirements:

    • Between 8 and 256 characters
    • At least one uppercase letter (A-Z)
    • At least one lowercase letter (a-z)
    • At least one number (0-9)
    • At least one following special character (e.g. !@#$^&*) (Except %)

If your password does not meet the above requirement, you will have to reset your password of the E-file account.

Once you have reset your E-file password, please go back into the 20## software and go to E-fileCreate an E-file Account and retype your email address and password

Re-Setting password through the prior year software:

       If you have access to prior year's software, you can reset the password by following the 
       steps below:

1) Open the 20## Tax Software

2) Navigate to E-file 

3) Select  "E-file Account Settings"


4) Select the "Forgot Password" Link


5) This will open a link to the E-file site, where you can retype your e-mail address to receive an email to Reset Password

6) You will receive an email to reset your password - Depending on your network security the email may get delivered to your spam/junk folder or to a 3rd party spam filter if you have one, check your company’s quarantine folder for the email.
You may need to add to their address book as safe and try again.
You may also want to reach out to your IT Administrator/department for assistance regarding this concern.

Not getting the Reset Password email ? - When you are requesting multiple reset emails it deactivates the link in the first email that is still on its way to you so when you receive the first email, the link would not work. Then requesting a third email deactivates the link in the second email that is still on its way which puts you in a loop.
You can delete all reset emails you received, request a new one from the log in page on the efile site and wait for it to be delivered. It may take 15 -45 minutes to be delivered so Please Do Not Request Again. 


7) Once you receive the Reset Password Email you can proceed by opening the Email and clicking on Reset Password


Important!!! If you do not get the "Reset Password" email and the site is requesting you to log in again, you're in a loop. You will need to please wait until the Reset Password email is delivered. See step 6 & 7 above.


8) Enter New Password and Confirm New Password then Click on Continue button.


Re-setting Password through the E-file Site forgot Password Link

1) Open up a web browser

2) Navigate to the URL web site address of the E-file Site (This URL can also be found in software at top menu bar under the Help tab > About TaxRight for 20xx/ About Laserlink for 20XX/ About 20XX ACA Software by Complyright)

3) On the log in page, click the Forgot Password link.

4) Enter email address associated with the E-File account and click Continue button

5) You will see a confirmation message that an email has been sent to you. It may take 15 -45 minutes to be delivered so please Do Not Request Again. 


6) Locate and open the Reset Password Email then click the Reset Password button. You will then be able to set up a new password. 

7) Enter New Password and Confirm New Password then Click on Continue button.


Resetting Password through the E-file Site – Manage Account Settings

1) Open up a web browser

2) Navigate to the URL web site address of the E-file Site (This URL can also be found in software at top menu bar under the Help tab > About TaxRight for 20xx/ About Laserlink for 20XX/ About 20XX ACA Software by Complyright

3) Log in to your account by Entering your E-File Account email address and password then click the Continue button.

4) Once you Log In you will be in the Dashboard Screen

5) Click on Circle Half Circle icon in upper right corner and select Manage Account

6) Click on Password tab then proceed to enter both current & new password then click on SAVE 

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