Does my Computer meet Software Requirement? (Windows 10 & 11)


Note: Minimum system requirements are as follows - Windows 10 or higher, 2GHz Processor or higher, 4GB RAM or higher (8GB for E-Filing), 250MB disk space, CD-ROM drive (Disc Installation), Display optimized for 1920 x 1080 screen resolution or higher

Does my Computer meet minimum Software Requirements? (Follow below Steps)

1. Find the Cortana Search bar on your taskbar Window 10 - Window 11 system information at bottom of article 


2. Type in System in the Cortana Search bar and select the System Application (Note: This is different then System information).


3. On the System Property window, Review your system information



Review the hard disk space Windows 10 & 11:

1. Select the Windows Icon to open up Start menu

2. Go to Windows System -> File Explorer


3. Select the Computer Icon on the left column to get the list of the hard drives installed on your computer.

4. Under Devices and Drives will be list of your drives on the computer and below each drive it will inform you of how much space is left on each drive.



Review Screen Resolution / DPI (Scaling) Settings Windows 10 & 11:

1.  To review your screen resolution, on your desktop screen, right click your mouse and select Display Settings


2. In the Display Properties window look for the area that state Resolution as indicated in the image:

3. In the Display Properties window look for the area that states Scale and Layout:  We recommend running our software with 100% scaling.


Note: In this case the resolution is 1920 X 1080 and the minimum requirements are 1024 x 768. In some cases you might need to change to settings to 1280 x 1024. Also, make sure you have a printer and CD/DVD-ROM installed on your computer.  The CD/DVD-ROM is located on your computer tower and you can access your printers from your control panel.


Windows 11 locate Device Specifications:

Control Panel > All Control items > System



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