We support the TaxRight, Laser Link and ACA software - (All images are from Laser Link software).
NOTE: You must have your Windows User Account set up with Full Admin Rights to complete Software installation.
1) Insert the CD into your computer's CD-ROM drive. (Note: if using digital installer & you downloaded the software please proceed to step D)
2) The installation wizard should open automatically - (If not use the link below for instructions)
What if the installation wizard doesn’t open automatically?
A. Double click the My Computer icon to open and explore the drives in your machine. Your My Computer icon should be located on your desktop in the top left corner of your desktop.
B. Double click the CD-ROM drive to open and view the files on the CD.
C. Please temporarily disable Antivirus/Firewall/UAC (User Account Control) if possible
(For help on this please see > https://support.custsupp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360009514654-Checklist-for-Trouble-Shooting-Installation-Error-2019-2023)
D. Right Click the Setup.exe file and Select "Run as Administrator" (LSLXXXXSetup.exe, TaxRightXXXXSetup.exe or ACAXXXXSetup.exe) for the software program application.
3) When done reading the Welcome page, click Next
4) After reading the license agreement, select "I agree to the terms of this license agreement", click Install to continue or click Cancel to abort the setup.
Note: This is a single user license to use only one (1) copy of the LaserLink/TaxRight/ACA
Computer Software Tax Program and you will not be able to share software database across computers.
Note: You must install the software on a local drive in order for it to work properly.
It can't be installed on a network drive.
5) When installation is finished, an Installation Successful screen will appear.
6) With the software closed, right click the software icon & select Run as Administrator > Pictured below are the 3 software titles we support LaserLink, TaxRight and ACA
7) Once your software opens, you will be required to enter a 12-digit Product Key in order to begin using your software.
Note: Product key can be found on the CD sleeve or on the face of the CD. Contact us if you cannot locate your product key (Be prepared to show proof of purchase).
8) Click OK - Your software will open - Click Register Now this will open a web page for you to register you software.
9) You will now be able to import your prior year data Note: You can only import if the prior year software is installed on same computer system (you are not able to skip years when importing).