TIN Matching
What is TIN Matching?
It is important that the information provided on information tax returns is correct. TIN Matching is the process of checking the TIN (Taxpayer Identification Number) furnished by the payee/recipient against the name/TIN (Taxpayer Identification Number) combination contained in the IRS database.
Subscribers - We are excited to bring you an updated TIN Matching experience that will provide Annual Subscribers more control on which payers and recipients are added to the TIN request list.
Payers and Recipients will no longer be automatically added to the TIN request list. Instead, the user must now ‘check out’ the request at $0 using the same steps a nonsubscriber takes to request TIN Matching.
Simply select to validate a specific payer or recipient TIN by clicking “Validate Now”. The request will be added to your cart at $0 and you will continue with the regular checkout process as detailed below in link.
Non Subscribers - When creating a form you will see - TIN Not Yet Validated-Validate Now
This is an optional service cost of $1.00 & it will be added to your shopping cart, check out, & will process normally. Generally takes 2 business days to get a reply from the IRS.
Note: If you have added this optional TIN Validation service in error you may remove it from the Edit Form screen on E-File Site.
E-File Support Team Article: https://efile1.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&category=201223126&query=Tin+matching+
E-File Support Team Help Ticket request: https://efile1.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
(See attached pdf for full instructions)