Creating transmittal forms W-3 1096

W-3 or 1096:

1) Click Tax Forms from the menu bar and then select W-3 or 1096 from the Transmittal Forms section at the bottom of the list.


2) Select payer/company from the Payer/Company drop-down menu.

3) Select Filing Method from the drop-down menu in the bottom right corner of the form.

4) Click in corresponding section 6 box (Checkmark will appear in box)


For W3 form Select Corresponding State in box 15 for State ID

If State ID does not appear you will need to create/save State ID for Payer (Use link below)

How to Enter State ID

NOTE: State ID box 15 on W3 Form will reflect any W2 forms created under the corresponding State ID you select in this section and if the dollar amounts are not accurate please review "all" W2 Tax Forms for recipients and there MUST be data in box 15 of W2 Tax Form saved. 


What is Filing Method? 

Select Paper for a total of all forms you are paper filing for the specific payer selected.

Select E-File for a total of all forms you are e-filing for the specific payer selected (reminder you do not need to e-file a 1096 or W-3 form – these forms are automatically included in the data transmittal).

Select ALL for a total of all filings (both e-file and paper) for the payer selected. This option should only be selected and used for payer records if both paper and e-filing has occurred for the same payer.

(Additional Support Articles below):

How to Print 1096 Form

Printing Forms including W3




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