Creating transmittal forms W-3 1096

W-3 or 1096:

1) Click Tax Forms from the menu bar and then select W-3 or 1096 from the Transmittal Forms section at the bottom of the list.


2) Select payer/company from the Payer/Company drop-down menu.

3) Select Filing Method from the drop-down menu in the bottom right corner of the form.

4) Click in corresponding section 6 box (Checkmark will appear in box)


For W3 form Select Corresponding State in box 15 for State ID

If State ID does not appear you will need to create/save State ID for Payer (Use link below)

How to Enter State ID

NOTE: State ID box 15 on W3 Form will reflect any W2 forms created under the corresponding State ID you select in this section


What is Filing Method? 

Select Paper for a total of all forms you are paper filing for the specific payer selected.

Select E-File for a total of all forms you are e-filing for the specific payer selected (reminder you do not need to e-file a 1096 or W-3 form – these forms are automatically included in the data transmittal).

Select ALL for a total of all filings (both e-file and paper) for the payer selected. This option should only be selected and used for payer records if both paper and e-filing has occurred for the same payer.

(Additional Support Articles below):

How to Print 1096 Form

Printing Forms including W3




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