How to EFile Forms through Tax Software


This Support Article will provide details on the E-File Process:

NOTE: We highly recommend to review all forms for accuracy prior to placing your order to E-File 

1) Once you have created your e-file account, click E-file My Forms from the Account Created screen or select E-file My Forms from the E-File menu drop-down



Next Log into your account


2) Select to e-file Single Payer or Multiple Payers. The Single Payer option allows you to e-file the recipients one payer at a time (if you select Single Payer continue onto Step 4). The Multiple Payer option allows you to choose multiple payers to e-file at once, however all available recipients to e-file will automatically be selected, so you do not have the option to select specific recipients (if you select Multiple Payers move onto Step 6).

3) On the E-file My Forms screen, select the form type you want to e-file, from the Select Form drop-down menu.

4) Select the payer you want to e-file from the Select Payer drop-down


Note: When selecting Multiple Payers, a pop-up message will appear reminding you how this option works.

5) Select the recipients you want to e-file from the Recipients without forms e-filed window.

6) Select the payers you want to e-file from the Payers without forms e-filed window.

7) Click E-file to upload your forms to the e-file site.


8)  If your forms have errors, a pop-up message will appear reading “There are error(s) in your file.” Proceed & Click on "Save All Forms" button at very top of web page as you will be able to edit/fix Errors at later step in process. 

NOTE: If no forms were uploaded to the e-file website site it could be your antivirus/firewall blocking the upload. You will need to run the software as an Admin and/or Temporarily Disable antivirus/firewall. 

See below steps A through G or use the below Support Article link:   


Running the Software as Administrator: 

A) Close the web browser if open

B) Close the TaxRight/Laser Link or ACA  software if open (Create Back up file as needed)

C) On your desktop "Right Click" the TaxRight/Laser Link or ACA Icon 

D) Select "Run as Administrator" and select "YES" if you receive UAC User Account Control Message


E) With Software open, Select E-File on Software top menu & again log in using you email and password 

F) Select Form type and Payer and Recipient(s) which will highlight in blue then click on E-File button

(If your Recipients are under Recipients E-Filed box you will need to reset & move them back to Select Recipients to E-file box

G) The E-File site will open "Review Your Imported Forms" screen in Web Browser, click Save All Forms 


9) Once you are in "Forms in Progress" screen, please check mark box next to Payer Name & select the filing option you require. Ensure that all forms are selected and not just the visible forms on page 1.

NOTE: From the "Forms In Progress" screen, you can view and/or edit the forms uploaded from your software which may contain Errors & delete forms not needed such as duplicates.

We highly recommend to review form/forms prior to placing order & E-Filing form(s). 





10) Remember after selecting forms you will need to select the service option you require such as E-File Print & Mail or E-File Only or Print and Mail then click Add to Cart button. E-File Account owner will receive E-Mail Notification once recipient copies mailed out (E-File, Print & Mail or Print and Mail) service only. 

NOTE: If you select "E-File Only" service, we will not mail out any recipient copies. You will be required to print & mail out your recipient copies as needed. 

11) Once your forms are in the shopping cart, click Proceed to Checkout.

12) On the next page, review the Affidavit and check the box to confirm you read it, then click Submit.

13) On the last page, enter your credit card information and click Place Order.

NOTE: E-Filing is not complete until Credit Card payment information has been entered for payment and order placed. Also again we highly recommend to review all forms for accuracy prior to placing your order to E-File.

14) Once your order is placed you will navigate to the Payment Successful page. You can print this page for your records, however an invoice will be emailed to you as well. Click Proceed to Next Step.

15) Your filing process will be completed as you are navigated to the Filed Forms page, where you can track and view the status of your filings. It is not uncommon for Filed Forms to take up to 5-7 Business Days to move into "Accepted" status once IRS begins accepting files. W2 Forms can at times take longer. 

You will also be able to print your forms from this page by selecting the copy you wish to print or save as PDF file. 

NOTE: When you E-File (Electronic Filing) you will not be mailing the Copy A to the IRS/SSA as this would cause duplicate filing. 

16) You can check the status of your order through software under E-File tab at top Menu & select  Check Status of E-File. Remember the E-File site allows you to verify when your forms were Submitted and Accepted by the IRS/SSA, print filed forms or print an invoice for your records. 

How do I Manually upload my forms?

NOTE: If No Forms uploaded after you Run software as Administrator you will need to manually import them to the E-file site using the excel sheet the software created. 

(See instructions in below Support Article link):


How much does it cost to Efile?

To obtain current pricing please use below Support Article link:


What if I need to reset my Recipients?

If you need to upload your recipients to the E-File site again, please use below Support Article Link:



NOTE: If you receive "Cannot Collect Tax Data" error Message when attempting to E-File Forms please follow below steps:


A) Close the software and save back up file 

B) Right click the software icon on desktop and select (Run as Administrator)

C) Select E-file tab then Select E-file My Forms and proceed to Log In as needed

D) Select Payer/Recipients then click on "Reset" button

E) Select Recipients and proceed to E-file and upload forms again


* Review Important Notes about E-filing & when filing multiple forms you MUST close the E-File Web browser: 

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