How to uninstall Software Windows 10 - 11

Before you uninstall if you have already started entering in data you will need to back up the database. 

How to Backup/Restore Database (Use link below):

Click Here

Trouble Shooting Software (Use link below):

Click Here


Important - Before you Un-install Software:

If you have entered any data in the software program first create a BAK Back up file and save to flash drive or computer desktop as you will need this to restore the data after you re-install software again.

If your software has completely crashed & you are not able to run the software & you have NOT created/saved a BAK back up file to flash drive or PC Desktop, we recommend you copy/paste your BAK back up file/files to a flash drive or PC desktop by following below steps:

1. Open your TFP for xxxx or Laserlink for xxxx or TaxRight for xxxx or ACA for xxxx folder located in

 C:\Program Files (x86) >TFP for xxxx or TaxRight for xxxx or Laserlink for xxxx or ACA for xxxx > DbBackup

2. Open the DbBackup folder copy/paste the BAK back up file/files to flash drive or PC desktop


Uninstalling in Windows 11 

1. Click on your Windows Start Menu button > 


2. Click on Settings 


3. Click on Apps >


4. Click on Installed Apps >

5. Locate your TFP for xxxx or TaxRight for xxxx or Laserlink for xxxx or ACA for xxxx and click on the three dots (...) and Uninstall software


Uninstalling software For Windows 10 (Follow Steps C - F) 

C. Select the Windows Start Button > 


D. Select the Gear icon as shown in the image below: 


E. Select the Apps Option as shown



F. Run the Uninstall 



  • You will need to delete two more files from your PC. Access your Windows File Explorer icon.PNG
  • Open your Local Disk Drive




5. Locate and open your Program Files (x86) folder or Program Files folder (NOTE: all software files should be in Program Files (x86) folder if software has installed properly) 

In the Program Files (x86) should be the TFP for xxxx or Laser Link for xxxx or TaxRight for xxxx or  ACA for xxxx Folder and you will delete the folder. If it is in the Program Files folder please delete it there. 



If uninstalling 2021 -  2022 or Prior Year Software (2016 & older) - Database is under the C:\Program Files or Program Files (x86)\LaserLink/TaxRight/TFP/ACA - delete the set up log 

Caution: Once you delete this folder you no longer will be able to restore your data unless you saved a BAK back up file to a flash drive or your PC desktop

6. Delete the Data base (2017 Software Only)- Located under the C:\Users\yourname\AppData\Local - 

Follow the instructions below to Delete the Database for 2017 Software ONLY

Here you will Delete the Folder: TFP / Laser Link /ACA



Note: If you do not see Appdata it could be hidden -

In the top Navigation Bar Select View

Select Hidden Items




 ***After you have removed all file and folders Reboot your PC***



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